Corporate and international maps

Steel world maps are frequently utilised as decorative accents, yet many businesses find practical applications for them as well. Take, for instance, a company based in the United Kingdom that recently acquired a stainless steel world map, infusing it with their own international charm.

Each timezone is marked with its own clock, tailored to the company's signature colour — in this case, bright orange. Stainless steel, renowned for its durability and magnetic properties, not only facilitates magnetic installation systems but also allows for personalised pinning with unique, colour-coordinated magnets. It's easy to envision how this client might use orange pins to mark their partners or clients on the map, adding a touch of corporate identity.

To enhance its international appeal, the company incorporated clocks displaying different time zones above the map, each adorned with matching orange accents.

Inspired by such creative examples, one might consider additional embellishments for their own world map, such as polaroid pictures, fridge magnets, or even a custom-designed magnetic company logo. With today's technology, the possibilities are endless. If you can imagine it, there's likely someone out there who can bring it to life.

If you have innovative ideas for customising magnetic steel world maps, don't hesitate to reach out. Who knows? Your concept might just inspire our next prototype. Stay tuned for more inspiring examples from clients around the globe.

April 17, 2024

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