Magnetic world maps

While wooden and acrylic maps also possess magnetic capabilities, metal world maps often exhibit the strongest attraction to magnets. Consequently, these maps are ideal for pinpointing future travels, documenting past journeys, or marking business locations for commercial clients. The magnetic properties of these maps offer endless possibilities for pinpointing destinations.

In today's example, we'll examine a magnetic stainless steel map from a client in Oyodominami, Japan.

Past travels with pin magnets

Nearly all metal maps in MapaWall's portfolio can attract magnets, whether they are small nickel-plated neodymium magnets or the slightly weaker ferrite magnets commonly used for refrigerator magnets. Our client has used these magnets to mark past travels on the map. Typically, stainless steel often lacks magnetic properties, but the stainless steel world map featured in this example possesses magnetic characteristics, accommodating various types of pin magnets. Both strong neodymium magnets and ferrite magnets adorned with colourful images from visited countries or cities can be affixed to this map.

Magnetic stainless steel world map with coloured refrigerator magnets - side view
Stainless steel world map with refrigerator magnets - side view

In the provided photos, our Japanese client has covered the lakes with blue fabric, clearly distinguishing them as bodies of water within the steel continents. While the engraved country borders may not be immediately visible in the front-view photo, they are indeed present. When light is directed from specific angles, the fiber laser-engraved borders illuminate, although they may appear dark from other perspectives. From other angels as shown in the image above, the country borders may darken slightly. Additionally, the steel protrudes from the wall, casting a drop shadow and creating a striking 3D effect, enhancing the map's visual impact.

Considering designing your own travel map adorned with fridge magnets? Feel free to contact us for information on available materials and sizes suitable for these types of pin magnets.

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2 comments on “Magnetic world maps”

  1. Hello .

    It is very nice what you have created with your travel magnets. I was wandering when did you find the map magnet . Could you please send me the link ?

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